Search Results
Descendent of Jefferson and Sally Hemings Learns Details of Their Relationship | Smithsonian
Thomas Jefferson’s Descendants with Sally Hemings! From Monticello to Today.
Truth About Alleged Relationship Between Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings, with Clay Jenkinson
Descendant of Thomas Jefferson Shares Her Roots
Unearthing Sally Hemings' legacy at Monticello
Sally Hemings (2000) | Documentary
Descendant of Sally Hemings on the mix of pride and hate for Thomas Jefferson
Black Descendant Of Thomas Jefferson Opens Up About His Ancestry | TODAY
The Jefferson Hemings Myth
Jerrie Steward - Great Granddaughter of the enslaved Sally Hemings and Thomas Jefferson
The Founding Mothers of the USA, 2: Martha Jefferson & Sally Hemings
Hidden Room of Thomas Jefferson's Mansion Solves 200 Year Old Mystery